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❝ Someone Like U ❞

Isnin, Ogos 05, 2013 | Ogos 05, 2013 | 0 Lovers
Stund Up ...says Rais cLASS

"Assalamualaikum wrt Teacher and Good Morning " says STUDENTS class Klasik....

Oke It nothing just laugh for Today What You ALL ramadhan ? Nice ?

Post today about this Topic And I hope some YOU all Understood .

All of You Know About Niqab OR purdah .Some like THIS
AND then What You Doing if some of You ask "

"why do you wear veil (Purdah) "? 

so This You Answer ...
will not be as fast as the

 let the story,,

God bless you after 2 days of wear purdah. Who able feel happy that at those who describe the istiqamah
i know that wearing the purdah is not the awkward and i do not even want to see them continue to want to wear.
The talk is easy and is dependent on faith ... if the intention is for Allah .. God bless you, If not it is turned on intention and ask yourself why must wear.
the scope of today only about muslimah the niqab and i want long right again. inshallah
just sharing only
Finished last after iftar, i Returning home and the story right there a way how to eat .... so there kat debate
My dad: How how to eat that?? difficult to? open the purdah, pull back finished eating ..
hush hush i boot in ur talking
"Why not apply if know face themselves??
This so debate
difficult for themselves

..Niqab/Purdah ni bagi akak adalah masalah wara' (menjaga). Yusuf Qardhawi sangat berfikiran terbuka dalam isu ni, jadi bagi akak suka kalau adik boleh baca sendiri...."

dari Blog Niqobgirl...


SO this Answer 

Selalu kena tajdid niat, Lillahitaala.

#TAKE nOTE _ fitnah yang dicipta sendiri.

how ??

  1. berpurdah di facebook  

Sekadar pembacaan insyaALLAH apa pun yg kita hendak buat lakukan secara NIAT  KERANA ALLAH 

sEbenarnya Ada Banyak lg link2 blog yg ana sendiri rasa kan hendak aja sharekan tapi Seandai nya kamu boleh bacai sendiri Itu lebih baik   

Kehebatan berniqab : Menjaga mata ...

Mungkin kerana Umur dah lebat jadi pandangan mata kena di jaga
tapi ada kesusahan itu sedikit

tak pe ..niat kerana ALLAH

lepas nie tak nak letak gambar  Fb dan Blog Lagi huhu...dan klu ada ambil gambar terpaksa lah wat muka seribu pecah

betul sgt2 ..bila dah pakai rasa tenang dan mata nie boleh di jaga ...semoga Inilah amalan yg boleh dibawa nanti ...amin ya rabbi

Tp abah susah hati sangat2 lihat anak dia pakai , Cara makan dia , Macam yang ana bagitaw lah . Ada Ummi sokong sratus peratus dan abah kerisauan Pulak . Dahulu pernah pakai tapi pakai nya tak selalu ,

Sebetulnya ada kisah di sebalik ana pakai nie , Tunggu Tau
oke aSSalamualaikum wrt


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